Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our Home Crafts...Play Dough

Best Play-Dough Recipes Ever!


Play dough is a soft, squidgy material that have kept my children occupied for considerable lengths of time over the years. Even now as adults they like to mould the non-toxic brightly coloured dough into sculptures, playing with Raffi and the dough being creative to the extreme!

It is available in a rainbow of colours, but inevitably ends up as grey crumbly mess. Our current play-dough looks like that! Play dough is also available to buy under several brand names including


Play Dough

I recommend making your own it is much cheaper, and tons of fun.


Note to Toddlers

*Rubbing the dough into other people's hair is not recommended, however much fun it may be, as it tends to result in getting into a lot of trouble! hehe

One of the nicest things about play dough is it is very quick and easy to make...

Best Ever Play Dough

The Ingredients

1 cup of plain flour

1 cup of water

1/2 cup of salt

1 tablespoons of cream of tartar

1 tablespoons of oil

Food colouring


Mix together the dry ingredients.

Add the water.

Mix until smooth.

Add the food colouring followed by the oil.

Cook on a medium heat, stirring constantly, until the dough leaves the side of the pan in a ball.

Allow to cool before use.

The process can be repeated several times, changing the food colouring, to make lots of play dough in a variety of colours.


Play dough can be messy stuff, so it is advisable to use it on a wipe-clean mat. If the dough accidentally gets trodden into the carpet, don't worry, as home made play dough can be quite easy to clean up. Warm soapy water should be sufficient to restore carpets to its original colour.

As well as simply kneading into different shapes, a bit of further creativity can provide for more prolonged enjoyment. Use simple tools such as cookie cutters and blunt
knives to create more interesting shapes.

Life Expectancy

Like shop-bought play dough, this version will dry out if left exposed to the air for too long. To keep in good condition for longer, store in a sealed plastic bag, or container, and put in the fridge when not in use. If the play dough gets past its best, then simply make up some more as this is much easier than trying to revive it.

Another Note to Toddlers

*Mummy will tell you NOT to eat this play dough as it has a lot of salt in it and tastes yuk!!

Ask mummy to make this one…yummy J

Edible Play Dough

Mr. Peanut Butter

½ cup peanut butter
½ cup honey
1 cup powdered milk

Put all the ingredients together and mix up with your hands until it's fairly smooth. The oils from the peanut butter will keep it from sticking to the table and your children's hands.

Finally it is always useful to have a recipe that you can bake hard in the oven, this one is very successful. I have made many jewellery gifts and decorations with this dough to sell at school fetes.

Dough for Modelling

This mixture dries VERY hard great for making jewellery .

1 (1-pound) box baking soda
1 cup cornstarch
1 ¼ cups cold water
Food colouring

Mix baking soda and cornstarch together then add water.

Cook and stir over low heat until consistency of mashed potatoes.

Remove the dough from the heat and cover with damp towel until it is cool enough to handle.

Use for play dough or jewellery shaping or roll it out and cut with cookie cutter to make decorations.

Store in an air tight container.

There you have 3 recipes to keep you going and start those creative fingers working, don't just limit this for the children, it can also be used as a stress reliever for adults!!

Have Fun. Thanks for Reading.

Have a great day. :-)

Written By


~Sue Raphael's Mum~

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